Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Food & Travel

Here is where I have one of the most difficult times traveling - for pleasure is always fun and you indulge and I think it's OK. But traveling for business is a different environment and you're on the go in a business frame of mind rushing around eating at terrible times and throw in a couple of time zones,  terrible sleep patterns and boom you gain 5 pounds without  even blinking an eye.

So that's my toughest time when I travel for business I don't make the best decisions. Again,  this year going to try to change that up a little bit and detox the body a little bit and make better decisions.

So for travel I'm totally stoked because a good friend of mine and I are in the midst of planning the most incredible adventure to Thailand at the end of this year and of course food will play a large role cause it's Thailand !   But I'm sure I will talk more about that later as it's going to become a large parts of my life with all the planning for this amazing trip.

So today in the mail two things arrived that I am so excited about one is my 14 day plan of a detox tea and it's just a slow cleansing that you take every day and every 14 days. It detoxes your body with some better herbs and Vitamins.    The other item is a product that has a number of homeopathic ingredients in it that assists with gout and  inflammation ..... so I'm really excited -  tomorrow is a new morning going to start these two items and hopefully it's a start to some  successful results.

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